This page offers country specific recommendations for VET teachers/trainers and young learners in the tourism, health & care, construction and food production sector.

Please consider, although we have visited these links once, we cannot be held responsible for any contents you may find under these links and recommendations or changes to these external sites.



Education (general information)

„“ (=““) - Educational platform for e-Learning, e-Government and shared services
Platform for topics like e-Learning, e-Government and shared services run by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Art and Culture

„Bildungaktuell (=„Education up-to-date“) - The online platform for managment, human resources and vocational training
„Bildungaktuell“ (=„Education up-to-date“) - The online platform for managment, human resources and vocational training

„Bildungsklick“ - („Click to education“)
German online-platform and information service treating various topics around education. Structured by areas (Kindergarten, primary school, high-school, vocational education, etc.) Also offering a newsletter and blog

„Bildungsmedien“ - („Educational media“)
An online library with movies for classes and lectures structured by school subjects; with search option

„Medien Manual“ - („handbook for media“)
Networking initiative and platform to enhance use of modern media in education with best-practice reports, Web-TV, archive and collection of reports about media education.

Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Art and Culture
The Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Art and Culture offers information and overview of the educational system in Austria. The homepage provides a broad range of information reaching from a directory of all schools, information about subsidies up to reports about projects and initiatives. Quarterly a newsletter is published on the homepage and sent to subscribers in English and German. Educational-server in Upper-Austria providing a platform for mobile and e-Learning.

„“- („“)
Austria’s platform for schools – A cooperation from „Education Group“ and the Federal Ministry for Education, Art and Culture
Platform dealing with subjects related to schools and school-education. Information about events, schools, school-projects etc.
Link to „Edumoodle“ e-Learning platform.

Federal institute for educational research, innovation and development of the Austrian educational system. Responsible (besides other things) for the execution of the PISA-study in Austria and the editing of the National Report of Education. Initiative by the Austrian chamber of commerce for regional interconnection of educational institutions and businesses to promote exchange and development of educational issues.

„Bildungscluster“ - („Network for education“)
Initiative by the Austrian chamber of commerce for regional interconnection of educational institutions and businesses to promote exchange and development of educational issues.

„Eduhi – Education Highway"
Educational-server in Upper-Austria providing a platform for mobile and e-Learning.

Online-Learning / Mobile Learning

„e-Lisa Academy"
E-Learning network for teachers with a large selection of e-Learning units for beginners to advanced students.

Information website for people interested in mobile teaching and learning.

Mobile Moodle – project for the use of mobile devices (cell-phones) in school-education connected with learning management systems.

Deprived target groups

Operationelles Programm Bescgäftigung Österreich 2007-2013“(=Operational programme for employment in Austria 2007-2013“)
Analysis of the Austrian labour market and the economic situation with special attention to deprived people.

Forba – Forschungs- und BeratunsstelleArbeitswelt Wien
Promotion of health and deprivation – offers, information, consulting etc.

Arbeitsmarktservice - („Labour-market services“ – Austrian unemployment service)
The Austrian unemployment office offers training programmes for deprived target groups by themself and through cooperating vocational education institutes. In their research network there are a various articles about this subject.

Golden Goal
Training young deprived people in improving their basic skills competences through the combination of learning activities with sports.

Support of deprived learners offering among other things also a „Train-the-trainer“-concept and didactic guidelines.



Education (general information)

Spanish Ministry of Training, Culture and Sport
The Spanish of Training, Culture and Sport offers general and specific information about Spain's eduaction system.

Employment Service of La Rioja
The Employment Service and Education Centre of la Rioja supports its clients in job searching and offers corresponding VET trainings and courses.

Online-Learning / Mobile Learning

Net Training Observatory
The Observatory SCOPE is a space where people can share their experience and problems concerning online education in an interactive way.

Learning review
Website where you can find information and news about education, especially all about e-learning.

Online training Spanish Association
Marketing Services for e-learning and personnel management companies.

Blog EOI m-learning
The EOI's (School of industrial organisation) Mobile Learning project wants to experiment with the newest generation smartphones' and tablets' capacity of connection, ubiquity and multimeda production and use them in trainings.

Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
The open university of Catalonia is an online university whose courses are open for people from all over the world and flexible in time and space. They offer more than 850 qualifications and use innovative teaching methods.

ADR Training
ADR Infor is a company that concentrates in the education and development computer specialists, whose online eduction sistem is based on a platform, developed on their own, and a wide catalogue of courses.

Clay Training
Clay's e-learning offers a wide range of A Distance and online courses in different areas.


Education (general information)
Labour Ministry portal on survey over training and methodologies
Web site of the Italian Confederation of handcraft companies dedicated to the training innovation
VET provider for training ICT oriented web site
Italian Government web site dedicated to the new  ICT also for education and training.
Web site of the nation fund to improve and promote new training methodologies for workers of handcraft companies
National bilateral fund to improve and innovate training in building sector
Tuscany bilateral fund to improve and innovate training in tourism sector
Tuscany bilateral fund to improve and innovate training in handcraft companies
Tuscany bilateral fund to improve and innovate training in trade and tourism sector
VET provider for Italian Public Bodies specialised in innovation with TIC for training

Online-Learning / Mobile Learning
Distance Learning and new learning tools promoted by Tuscany Region



REACH Blended Learning - This page describes how to use Blended Learning, and links for use at school or in private settings.

Difi offers flexible and digital learning methods. Training programs can be used by anyone, regardless of time and place. E-learning courses can also be used in conjunction with the client's own internal measures.

This is a page where you can purchase learning apps, tablets, etc..

On this page you can learn how to create blended learning units.

Here we have some apps for the iPad that teaches children reading and writing using pictures and sound.

Here you will find learning applications that can be used at all levels.

Touch and Grow: Learning and exploring using tablets

This page describes how to use smart phones in learning.

This page describes how to learn with mobile devices.

This page comes with tips on how to use mobile devices in the classroom.

More Links:

A guide to language training at work

Language – the key to the working life

Insufficient basic skills in the working life

Totality in the public interests in the need of competence

The European Intercultural Workplace



BILKOM Your Digital Life Coach
Bilkom offers a solution in different segments to the private sector, public organizations, educational institutions, audio and visual design companies.
It meets their products to the customers by providing effective access to quite a few segments with instutional and retail channel as Education, Design&Product Audio&Video, Photograph, Medical.

Mobildev is a company that supports mobile communication technics with the update mobile solutions by developing instutional and web-based software to integrate the technologies that offered by the GSM networks in business.
It offers Mobile marketing, Mobile Education, interactive  solutions, private mobile solutions and sectorial mobile solutions.

Change Language

Choose Language Deutsch English Espanol Italiano Norsk Türkce


This project (n° 2011-1-NO1-LEO05-03245) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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